Covid-19 vaccine


The vaccine contains microorganism or virus is weakened, live or killed state, protein, or toxic from the organism. It helps to improve the immunity system and protection from the disease. It is the most effective method to control the spread of disease. This vaccination helped the worldwide eradication of smallpox, polio, and tetanus.

Development and approval

No Vaccine is 100% or effective because each person's body reacts differently. Minor side effects may have for 1 out of 1,00,000 vaccinations. However, vaccination is safe it is proved throughout history. Each vaccine going under clinical trials to ensure safety and efficiency before FDA approval. 

Test on Vaccine 

Before human testing, they will run through a computer algorithm to test how they will interact with the immune system and test on cells in culture.
In the next round of vaccines, the researchers test on animals like mice, monkeys, rabbits, and guinea pigs.
Vaccine the passes these tests are then approved by the FDA then can start the third phase test for human testing.
The human's test here are volunteers and they know the purpose of the study and know the potential risk.
  • During Phase 1 it is tested for 20 people to ensure safety.
  • During Phase 2 it is tested for 50 to some hundred people and also safety is ensured and gather data on the ideal dose and effectiveness of the vaccine.
  • During phase 3 it is tested for 100 to thousands of volunteers here safety and efficiency of that vaccine is studied.
This process takes several years to complete. In these years researches use to compare the effectiveness of the vaccine and the true reaction occurs.
After these tests, They can apply for a license from the FDA, and then they can manufacture and apply. then after this FDA continuously monitors the manufacture protocol, batch purity, etc. 
Most vaccine undergoes phase 4 where the FDA continuously monitor safety and efficiency of vaccine for many years these allow to deduct rare reaction and side effects.

COVID-19 vaccine

The COVID-19 vaccine also goes in the same way. The fastest known vaccine ever created has taken 4 years to complete. We are expecting the COVID-19 vaccine 5 times faster than before. It is possible in some way because we have already studied other coronavirus which has given some clues and also made challenging. 

Can humans survive COVID-19 without vaccination?

Yes, humans can survive without vaccination. When new viruses or diseases are spread it spreads to everyone and built immunity naturally to everyone but the biggest drawback is that it takes more lives and it takes more years. So we need the COVID-19 vaccine immediately. 

Many companies have entered into clinical trials. But it takes time, it may be months or maybe years. Some researchers say that this virus may also vanish like SARS and MERS. Let's wait for a better result. Till that we have to be careful. Stay safe.
