History of Bible

          The Bible is the holy book of christian religion. The word Bible comes from the Latin word biblia sacra which means holy book. It's aim is to tell the history of earth from it's creation and spreads good news "gospel". The bible is splitted into two Old Testament and New Testament. It was written over the span of 1500 years and by 40 writers, it consists of factual news with event, place people and dialogue. The bible consists of 66 books.

Old Testament
          The Old Testament is the first section of the bible. It was recorded in two language, classical Hebrew and imperial Aramaic(Ezra 4:6-8) and accepted as religiously inspired and sacred by both Christian and Jews. It consists of five literary genres- law, historical narrative, poetry, wisdom and prophetic. Genesis to Deuteronomy is law, Joshua to 2 kings is historical. Job, Proverbs and Ecclesiastes are wisdom books. Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel the major prophetic and 12 minor prophetic Hosea to Malachi. Psalms and song of Solomon are poetry. The first of the bible consists of 39 books  and corresponding approx to Hebrew bible, it was written around 1300 to 100 BC.
           The people used various materials as writing surface. The scripts were preserved on rock walls and stone slab. The Rosetta Stone and The Moabite stone are the best example.(Exodus 32:15- 16, Joshua 8:32). Other ancient writing material includes wooden tables, clay(Isaiah 30:8, Habakkuk 2:2), Papyrus Manuscripts(job 8:11), Tanned animal skin(Jeremiah 36:2). Parts of the ancient Hebrew text were found among the Dead Sea scrolls. 

New Testament
          The New Testament is the second section of the christian Bible. The New Testament teaches about the teachings of Jesus Christ. It is the collection of christian texts which is written in the Koine Greek language. It has 27 books in New Testament and it was written over 100 years period. The New Testament can be divided in to four parts: the Gospel, the Acts of the Apostles, the Epistles and the Book of Revelation.
           The Gospel consists of Mathew, Mark, Luke and John are the Jesus birth, life, teaching, death, rising from death  of Jesus Christ.
           The Acts of the Apostles is about the action and preaching of 12 Apostles after Jesus death and resurrection.
          The Epistles is the divine inspired writing  of the Apostles of Jesus Christ. It is the collection of books written by the followers.
           The Book of Revelation is the final book of New Testament, the author of this book is John the Apostles. He wrote when he was exile on the Greek island of Patmos. This book reveals about the second coming of Jesus, last days, judgement, the beast, the anti Christ. 

Facts about Bible
  • The books of the Old Testament are arranged differently in Judaism.
  • There are at least 185 songs in the Bible.
  • There are 21 dreams recorded in Bible.
  • The longest book in the Bible is Psalm 199.
  • The longest verse in the Bible is Esther 8:9
  • China is the largest producer of Bibles.
  • The Bible takes place in three continent Asia, Africa and Europe.
  • The Bible is the best selling book in the history and sales exceeding around 5 billion copies.    

